Chemicals in your water, Ice Cream in your politics and Cocaine in your white houseconservativepirateJul 8, 20231 min readSOURCES: Hunter’s Coke Party or the Water is Tainted Brown?Chemicals in the Water,and%20high%2Dpressure%20membrane%20systems. and Jerry’s Goes Woke and Broke’s Douchebaggery Continues
SOURCES: Hunter’s Coke Party or the Water is Tainted Brown?Chemicals in the Water,and%20high%2Dpressure%20membrane%20systems. and Jerry’s Goes Woke and Broke’s Douchebaggery Continues
The Incineration of Political Careers, Parts 1 and 2SOURCES: Burning The RINOs One By One "The Summit", Presented by The BlazeTV
DeSantis is Sinking the Ship of ObliviousSOURCES: DeSantis Banging His Head Against the Wall of Woke DeSantis, et al...
Racists, Trannies and Sleepy JoeSOURCES: Democrats: Racists Unbound Supreme Court Justice Upholds Fairness