Trump's Indictment, Alvin Bragg, MTG and the News
NYTimes VS Musk, Trump the Next Hokage and RINO Report: Rodney Davis (IL13)
Transurrections, Jacob Chansley Freed, KMac is Awesome, Trump is Going to Crush the Dems Soon
Digital Blackface, Lia Thomas the Cheat, Jonathan Majors and Liz Cheney aka Miss Piggy
Trump, Justin Roiland, Kari Lake and the Ugly Truth
Trump Is Under Attack! The Denver Mayor Race and the RINO Report: John Boozman
The Spy Drone That Could, Joe Biden/Kamala Harris Are Disliked By Everyone and the Ugly Truth
Joe Biden Violates the 2nd Amendment Again, Russians Picking on a Reaper Drone and Ron DeSantis
Joe Biden, Alan Shaw the Douche, Hordes of Migrants, Mike Pence and the RINO Report: Rob Portman
National Women's Day, Mitch McConnell nosediving, Disney is a rip-off, the Gulf Cartel and the Ugly
AntiFa Terrorists Doing More Terrorist Things and Anthony Fauci Lying, As Usual
Donald Trump is on FIRE!! And the RINO Report: Jim Inhofe (OK)
Sleepy Joe Still Hates Ohio, AOC Faces the Ethics Board and The Ugly Truth: Crime is Crime
Ahoy, Crew!